November 26, 2023

Becoming People of Goodness | Show me your goodness.

Everyone wants to live a good life. People try all kinds of ways to live lives of goodness.


Opening Discussion
1. What do people think is the good life?

2. We believe we are people of goodness not because of what we have done, but because of what God has done and is doing in our lives. How is this different from people of the world?

*Have someone lead the group in an opening prayer!

Exodus 33:12-23

This guide uses the SOAP method for our discussion.

S- Scripture.

In your own Bible or Bible app, read the selection.

O- Observe

Think about what do you observed in this passage.

A- Apply

Consider some ways you could apply what you’ve read.

P- Pray

Prayerfully decide how to respond to what you’ve discussed.

Scripture: Read Exodus 33:12-17

3. Moses has a big job leading Israel. Imagine how you would feel if you were given this task. If God called you to be a leader what would you ask God for?

4. What does Moses want from God in verses 12-13?

5. What does Moses want in verses 13 and 15?

6. Remember wanting to please your parents or a teach or a coach. You wanted favor. Why?

7. What does it mean to have God’s favor?

Scripture: Read Exodus 33:18-23

8. What does Moses want in these verses?

9. Why do you think he asks to see God’s glory?

10. The glory of God is his character. God replies that he will make his goodness pass by Moses. Read verse 19. What good things does God say about himself?

11. How has God shown us his goodness by his mercy?

12. What does his compassion mean to you?


13. Moses longed to experience God’s presence. It is God’s presence that makes us people of goodness. What does God’s presence in our life mean to you?

14. Where have you seen evidence of God’s presence in your life?


14. Pray for the needs of the group.